Program Guide
Environmental Science & Policy
College: Arts and Sciences
Degree: BS or BA
Specialized Admission: No
Address: EOAS Advising Center, EOA 3008A
Phone: (850) 644-8582
Address: EOAS Advising Center, EOA 3011
Phone: (850) 644-8580
*Please Note: Face-to-face/in-person instruction of this program is available ONLY at the main campus in Tallahassee, FL. This program is NOT available via Online/Distance Learning.*
Environmental Science is the interdisciplinary study of environmental systems from a scientific perspective. Drawing principally from the areas of oceanography, geology, and meteorology, the Environmental Science program will prepare students in the broader area of geosciences and is an attractive option for students seeking a broader interdisciplinary major with the rigor of mathematics and the physical sciences at its core.
The Environmental Science & Policy major offers lower-level mathematics requirements and a greater emphasis on policy. The goals of these programs are to prepare exceptionally well-qualified graduates prepared to work in the interdisciplinary earth sciences, whether in government agencies, NGOs, or the private sector. They also provide a strong basis for graduate study in environmental and interdisciplinary earth sciences.
Prerequisite CourseworkProspective transfer students should contact (Arts & Sciences Admissions) with specific questions about admission and mapping requirements.
Prerequisite Coursework: (22 hours)
MAC X105 (3) College Algebra
MAC X140 (3) Pre-calculus Algebra or STA X122 (3) Introduction to Applied Statistics
BSC X010,X010L (3,1) Biological Science I, Lab
CHM X045,X045L (3,1) General Chemistry I, Lab
GLY X010C (4) Physical Geology with Lab
BSC2011, 2011L (3, 1) Biological Science II, Lab or CHM1046, 1046L (3, 1) General Chemistry II, Lab
Note: State-wide common prerequisites are always under review. For the most current information and for acceptable alternative courses, visit the “Common Prerequisites Manual.” This is available from the “College Students” section of
RequirementsRequirements for graduation in the College of Arts and Sciences include:
The College of Arts and Science requires proficiency in a foreign language through the intermediate (2220 or equivalent) level or sign language through the advanced (2614 or equivalent) level.
Requirements for Progression to and Continuation in the Upper-Division Major:
Students should complete the prerequisite coursework for entrance to the major program of study. Students must also have completed a minimum of 52 hours of credit and at least half the required hours in General Education, including required English composition and Math, or an A.A degree.
Departmental policy on grades and progress in the major:
All State Common Program Prerequisites listed as Term 1-4 Milestones must be completed with a “C” range (C minus, C, or C+) grade or better. Students earning less than the necessary grade in any of these courses will be required to retake those courses until the standard is met. No required course in which a student has earned a grade below C minus may be applied toward the degree in Environmental Science and Policy.
A student who has received more than five unsatisfactory grades (U, F, D minus, D, D+) in science, statistics, or mathematics courses (and their prerequisites), taken after enrolling at Florida State University, including repeated unsatisfactory grades in the same course, (excluding State Common Program Prerequisites listed as Term 1-4 Milestones) will not be permitted to graduate with a degree in this major.
Major Program of Studies at FSU: (44 hours)
Environmental Science and Policy Core Courses: (17 hours)
MET 1010 (3) Introduction to the Atmosphere or MET1020 (3) Introduction to Atmospheric Science
ESC3100c (4) History of Earth Systems
OCE 4008 (3) Principles of Oceanography
OCE 4017 (3) Current Issues in Environmental Science or GLY 3039 (3) Energy, Resources, and Environment
EVR 4922 (4) Senior Capstone (meets Upper-Division Writing Requirement)
Required Policy Courses:
(Choose 9 hours selected from the following)
GEO 3502 (3) Economic Geography
GEO 4357 (3) Env. Conflict and Economic Development
GEO 4471 (3) Political Geography
PAD 4391 (3) Foundations in Emergency Management
PHI 2620 (3) Environmental Ethics
PHM3400 (3) Philosophy of Law
POS3691 (3) Law and Society
PUP 3002 (3) Introduction to Public Policy
PUP 4203 (3) Env. Politics and Policy
URP 3000 (3) Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning
URP 4423 (3) Introduction to Environmental Planning and Resource Management
COM 3420 (3) Media, Culture, Film
Required Environmental Science courses
(Choose a total of 18 hours from the courses below); At least nine (9) hours of which must be selected from List 1 and the remaining nine (9) hours from any departmental approved electives outside of the major.
List 1 Geoscience Elective Courses: (9 hour minimum)
EOC 4631 Marine Pollution (3)
OCB 4631 Estuarine and Coastal Ecology (3)
ESC 3100C History of Earth Systems (4) *Highly recommended by faculty
GLY 3200C Mineralogy and Crystallography (3)
GLY 3310C Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology (3)
GLY 3400C Structural Geology (4)
GLY 3610C Paleontology (4)
GLY 4240 Principles of Geochemistry (3)
GLY 4544C Sedimentation and Stratigraphy (4)
GLY 4751C Introduction to Remote Sensing, Air Photo Interpretation and GIS for the Earth Sciences (3)
GLY 4905 Directed Individual Study (Geohazards) (3)
MET 3101 Physical Climatology (3)
MET 3103C Climate Change Science (3)
MET 3220C Meteorological Computations (3)
MET 3231 Introduction to Atmospheric Thermodynamics and Dynamics (3)
MET 3940 Weathercasting (1)
MET 4159r Special Topics in Meteorology (1–3)
MET 4400C Meteorological Instrumentation and Observation (3)
OCB 4631 Estuarine and Coastal Ecology (3)
OCB 4637 Marine Benthic Ecology (3)
OCC 4002 Introduction to Chemical Oceanography (3)
OCC 4060 Environmental Science Modeling (3)
OCE 3555 Environmental Science II: Habitable Planet (3)
OCE 4064 Marine Conservation Biology (3)
OCB 4265 Coral Reef Ecology (3)
OCP 4005 Introduction to Physical Oceanography (3)
OCE 4930r Studies in Oceanography (3) Topics vary: Biodiversity, Earth Systems, Marine Microbial Ecology, Geomicrobiology, Physics and Flow of Water Bodies, Environmental Toxicology, etc.
*Other classes may be allowed as electives with department permission.
List 2:
CHM 1046 General Chemistry II (3) or BSC 2011 Biological Science II (3) If not used as a prerequisite
CHM 4080 Environmental Chemistry I (3)
HFT 3700 Tourism Management and the Environment (3)
URP 3000 Introduction to Planning and Urban Development (3) If not used as a required policy class
URP 4022 Collective Decision Making (3)
URP 4314 Introduction to Growth Management and Comprehensive Planning (3)
URP 4318 Growth Management and Environmental Planning (3)
URP 4402 Sustainable Development Planning in the Americas (3)
URP 4404 River Basin Management and Planning (3)
URP 4423 Introduction to Environmental Planning and Resource Management (3)
URP 4618 Planning for Developing Regions (3)
* Other classes are allowed as electives with departmental permission.
Collateral Minor (0 hours needed beyond required courses)
By completing the requirements of the BS Environmental Science Policy Program, students automatically receive a collateral minor in Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Science. Twelve additional hours of coursework in specific elective classes may constitute a specific minor within that field. Talk to your advisor for more information.
Digital Literacy: (3 hours)
This requirement may be met with a University approved college-level course.
Oral Communication Competency: 0-3 hours.
Students must demonstrate the ability to orally transmit ideas and information clearly. This requirement may be met with a University approved college-level course, such as SPC 1017 or SPC 2608.
MET3940 (1) Weathercasting will also meet this requirement and is highly recommended by the department.
Minimum Program Requirements - Summary
Total Hrs. Required 120
General Education 36*
BS Prerequisite Coursework 22
BS Major Coursework 44*
Minor Coursework 12 or more
Foreign Language 0-12 (depending on placement)
Digital Literacy 3
Oral Communication Competency 0-3
*Note: Some coursework required for this major (prerequisite//major) may also be applied to General Education or minor requirements.
MappingMapping is FSU’s academic advising and monitoring system. Academic progress is monitored each Fall and Spring semester to ensure that students are on course to earn their degree in a timely fashion. Transfer students must meet mapping guidelines to be accepted into their majors. You may view the map for this major at
Remarks1. A minimum of 45 hours at the 3000 level or above, 30 of which must be taken at this University.
2. Half of the major course semester hours must be completed in residence at this University.
3. The final 30 hours must be completed in residence at this University.
4. The Environmental Science and Policy B. A. degree requires 9 additional hours in the fields of history and humanities.
Salary Information: For more information go to: National Association of Colleges and Employers ( or the Occupational Outlook Handbook ( provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Representative Job Titles Related to this Major: Environmental technician, geoscientist, policy expert, environmental administrator, environmental scientist, hydrologist, general physical scientist, and oceanographer. Some positions may require additional education or training.
Representative Employers: Federal, state, and local governments; NGOs; private employers.